SJR - Smooth Jams Radio
SJR stands for Smooth Jams Radio
Here you will find, what does SJR stand for in Firm under Media category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Smooth Jams Radio? Smooth Jams Radio can be abbreviated as SJR What does SJR stand for? SJR stands for Smooth Jams Radio. What does Smooth Jams Radio mean?Smooth Jams Radio is an expansion of SJR
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Alternative definitions of SJR
- Saint Joseph Regional High School
- St. John the Russian Orthodox Church
- Shaw Communications, Inc.
- SCImago Journal Rank
- South Jersey Region
- Saint Joseph Regional High School
- Spin Jig Rod
- Sierra Judgment Recovery
View 37 other definitions of SJR on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- SFCC Sposato Floor Covering Companies
- SPI Sky Productions Inc.
- SSL Sterling Services Limited
- SGF Students Get Fit
- STISSI Synergistic Technologies Inc. and Synergistic Services Inc.
- SBDC Smile Builders Dental Center
- SLF Summit Leadership Foundation
- SGI Smith Group It
- SLVFD Sand Lake Volunteer Fire Dept
- SCSI Spectrum Charter School Inc
- SSB Studio Six Branding
- SGESL Smart Garage Equipment Services Limited
- SRI Shared Research Inc.
- SHL Strata Holdings Limited
- SDRL Stay Dry Roofing Ltd
- SAI Spiritual Arts Institute
- SCS Sherman Central School
- SCF Ship Central Fulfillment
- SAG Sage Advancement Group
- SNI Skilled Nursing Inc